It's party time at The Lilypad. We have a store wide sale and a free kit with purchase, as well as chats and challenges and games all weekend long. Be sure to enter the Pick Your Prize drawings - a chance at a free product from every single designer at TLP!
Here's the free with purchase kit. Spend $15 this weekend and you'll get this gorgeous kit for free!
I have a fun new template set for you, and I'm also releasing the remaining sets for ALL of my monthly project templates. Have fun shopping!
Do Tell Templates is a fun set inspired by conversations and quotations.
And now on to all the monthly project sets!
I've completed all my sets for the year and I've bundled all of them up for additional savings! Here's the first one. Weekly Life Template Bundle - Save 44%!
And here are the rest of the individual packs.
Here's the Month In Review Bundle. Save 40% with the bundle!
And the rest of the months.

Here's the 2017 Calendar Template Bundle for those of you who want to finish up your 2017 album early. Save 40% when you purchase the bundle.
The individual sets.
Insta Review Bundle! Save 40% when you purchase this.
And the individual sets.
Check out the different products and layouts in the product previews. My team has made some wonderful pages for inspiration! There are too many to post here!
I hope you all enjoy your DSD!
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