Monday's Highlight: Learner's Permit by Angie

Every Sunday night my plan is to browse my SwL Facebook Gallery and pick a page to highlight on the blog for Monday. I just love looking at the pages you all make with my templates. It's kind of a nice way to end the weekend. At the end of the month (or the beginning depending on how it works out) my team and I will pick one Gallery Stand Out to win $10 to my store. It might be a page featured here or just one in the group album. So make sure you post your pages there. It's also just a fun way to share our pages with each other.

License to Drive by Kristin Aagard
January '16  Bonus Template by Scrapping with Liz

Today's highlight is from Angie. She's been sharing some awesome pages of her teenage son (not always an easy thing to scrap). I love how she incorporated some real pictures at the DMV and I think his smile says it all. Those of us with teenagers know how it can sometimes be difficult to get pictures of our teens. And aren't those elements the best, perfect for these pictures? I'm a few years away from this....eeek!


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© Scrapping with Liz
Maira Gall