It's GSO Time!

Happy June y’all!  CTM Robin here with another GSO blog post.  Y’all know how much I love perusing through Liz’s gallery at The Lilypad and showing off layouts, and I can’t wait to show you what I found this month!

It’s summer vacation here in the States so I think that’s why I was drawn to this great page by Lor:

I am a sucker for big photo layouts, and I love how she used the cut outs on top of that gorgeous photo.  This whole page makes me jealous 😊

Next, check out this one by BLKinOR:

She made a layout about her cousin’s achievements, and I absolutely love the way she listed those on the right side of the page. We can see everything we need to in a short period of time so it’s super effective!

Remember me mentioning above that I’m a sucker for big photo layouts?  Check this one out by nhudao:

Oh my.  What a glorious view and I love that she framed this photo with paper strips and that cute cluster.  Both add to the page without distracting from the photo!

Y’all probably know I love hybrid projects so of course I had to show off this TN spread by mywisecrafts:

She took a template, used it to print off the rainbow pieces, split it across a double page spread, and hand stitched it back together.  Oh.  My. Word.  How amazing is that???!!!

Finally, I wanted to point out this layout by ninigoesdigi:

I love how she used brushes and paints to anchor those circles and of course that heart-warming picture as well.  This layout is clean and super eye catching!

Well, that’s it for me.  Summer means summer activities and our household is crazy busy with them.  I love that it doesn’t take me long to find some eye candy that I can scraplift myself and thus shorten the time it takes me to make a page.

I’ll see y’all next month!

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© Scrapping with Liz
Maira Gall